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All about me and Meredith...

Here's some stuff about Meredith:
Her name is Meredith,but she likes to be called Merbo. (Don't ask! It's one of our inside jokes!) She refers to herself as "Mrs. Comeau" (I do too! LOL!)
She is really crazy and is really really hyper!! All the time! She loves SP!
She really likes anime and manga! (I do too!) But her favorites are Inuyasha and Full Metal Alchemist. We like to have fun and just hang out with each other. At first you'll think she is just a crazy obssessed with Chuck person,but once you get to know her you'll like her! That's pretty much it about Meredith!

There's us!^-^ I know I look stupid there! lol.
Here's some stuff about Me:
My name is Sarah,but I have many nicknames! You can call me whatever you wish! Here's some of my nicknames:Frizz (my friends at church gave me that cause of my frizzy hair! LOL!),Sarah Comeau (you ought to know why!),and Ritalin Kid (cause I'm so hyper!) I really love SP! (especially Chuck!) I also refer to myself as "Mrs.Comeau" I really like anime and manga. And my favorites are Inuyasha and Full Metal Alchemist like Meredith! I'm really crazy and I love to have fun! I guess that's pretty much all you need to know about me!
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