November 16,2005
What's up guys? I've finally uploaded my pics from the concert. You can find them on the Our Fan Stuff page. ^-^
I'm gonna be making another couple sites besides this one,so when I get them up I'll let you all know! :0) And I have changed
my email,it's now
So send all your stories,ticket stubs,and fan stories there. Oh yeah and Meredith has been like grounded for the longest time
and a lot of stuff has been going on with her,so that's why she hasn't updated or anything on here. And tomorrow she is having
surgery,she is having her tonsils and adnoids taken out and she's getting tubes in her ears. They just found out that she
is 60% deaf. It's pretty crazy isn't it? So pray for her you guys! :0) Well,I guess that is all the updates. Later.
November 1,2005
Hola Peoples!!!! Man the concert Sunday was SOOOOOO FREAKING AWESOME!! And it turns out that,instead of having second
row seats we actually had front row because they had to take out the first row and put up a fence (Hehe....probably because
of us rabid fangirls! lol XD) So we had front row seats,and it ROCKED!!! :0) Seb was right in front of me and it was so cool!!
:0) Chuck even came out in the audience!!!! SQUEE!! Omigosh it was so cool!! :0) I hugged him...AGAIN!!!! YAH!! ^-^ I got
my pictures developed and that are really cool!! :0) So I'll post them later on tonight sometime. I'm going to add everything
that happened there later on tonight. ^^ I haven't really added much,I added to the fan stuff page and the SP news page and
on here I put a Shut Up video off Yahooand on the Random Chuck Facts page I added an interview,but that's it. :P I should
have A TON of stuff to add later this evening though,so check back! And keep sending your emails,I love you guys! You're so
awesome!! :0) Well,that's all the updates peoples! :0)
October 29,2005
Well,tomorrow guys I will be in Ohio for the flipping SP show!!! ^-^ WOOTNESS!! :0) Well,anyways on to the site news...hehe....well
I added about 8 pics to the photo gallery and I will try and have more put up in a few days,I need to find some new ones.
lol :0) And I also added to the SP news page too. So,I guess that's all the updates for now. Keep sending me your emails,You
all rock!!! ^-^
October 27,2005
Well,I have finally gotten some stories from you guys! So keep on sending them! You all rock!! ^-^ I'm going to try and
add my stuff up soon cause Monday I'll have pics from the show!! Yah! :0) Well,that's all the updatees....for now. If any
of you find the video code for Crazy,PLEAAAASSSEEE let me know! I have looked for it everywhere! Well,update later guys!
October 19,2005
I finally made an update on here,I've been really busy guys,sorry I haven't made an update! I've been sick the past few
days,and not been able to update. Well,I added more to the SP news and I have still yet to find the video code for Crazy so
if anyone knows where to find it please email me or Meredith. More later!
October 12,2005
Well,I still haven't updated the flipping SP news page you guys! my flipping computer just had to mess up on me right
when I was trying to edit stuff! Gosh! lol I am going to try and get it updated right now and I have a new video on here,A
Big Package For You. Hope you guys like! It's on the Photo Gallery page. lol And I should have the Crazy video up within the
next few days. So keep checking back!
October 11,2005
Well,I haven't really done much on the site for a while so I'm going to try and get some stuff done tonight. I am going
to have to add more to the Simple Plan News page. And I will hopefully have the Crazy video up on here soon. So I'll let you
guys know!
September 29,2005
I haven't been on here in a few days,so I'm trying to make up for it now! I've already added a chatterbox and I am going
to add some more videos and icons maybe,and some other cool stuff. So I'll keep you guys posted!
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