~He wears glasses/contacts.
~He listens to rap and hip hop.
~He used to play the piano.
~Chuck left Reset because he was always
arguing with Pierre. Pierre obviously took it hard.
~He likes to go on the computer.
~He likes to recieve gifts.
~He signs after every show.
~He was a former member of Reset.
~At a concert in Detroit, a fan threw
a glass bottle towards the stage and Chuck got hit in the face, and had to play the whole show with his face full of blood
(see what I mean about dedication?). After the concert they went to the hospital and Chuck had 4 stiches.
~Chuck uses hair gel on his hands when
performing so he doesn't lose his drumsticks.
~At the beginning Addicted video, the
band is walking in an Ally. If you look carefully, Chuck is giving the middle finger to Jeff. Since people are focusing on
Pierre and not on Chuck, nobody sees it. It was never blurred out.
~Chuck isn't afraid to say the word "Hickey"